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Getting Started

OpenBooks makes use of the Task build system which provides a cross platform and simple alternative to GNU Make.

If making use of the devcontainer, Task will automatically be set up for you. Otherwise follow the install instructions on the Task website. The rest of the guide assumes you have Task installed.

task dev:init

Installs NPM and Go dependencies.

task dev:mock

Starts a mock IRC / DCC server that mimics basic requests / responses from IRC Highway. 95% of the time you should be connecting to the mock server to avoid making requests to the IRC Highway's server. See IRC notes.

Server Mode Development

Run the following commands in separate terminals.

task dev:client

Starts the React front-end and enabled hot reload via Vite.

task dev:server

Compiles and runs OpenBooks in Server mode. Connects to the Mock IRC server.

CLI Mode Development

task dev:cli

Compiles and runs OpenBooks in CLI mode. Connects to the Mock IRC server.